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ONLINE LEARNING WITH SANT’ANNA SCHOOL DURING PANDEMIC COVID-19: 60 VIDEOS COVERING 20 TOPICS. Sant’Anna School will continue to work to support Italian students who are required to stay at home due to the Covid-19 pandemic

Publication date: 08.06.2020
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Sant’Anna School will continue to work to support Italian students who are required to stay at home due to the Covid-19 pandemic. At Sant’Anna School the academic staff is working online to provide video lectures and coursework about a range of academic subjects including our interdisciplinary research activity on climate change, terrorism, healthcare, innovation, cognitive neuroscience and technology. More than 60 videos totalling 80 hours of lectures and covering over 20 topics are available for teachers and high school-level students.  

While students stay at home to reduce the spread of the coronavirus, the education sector is engaged in building an online community as a top priority to combat Covid-19. The courses offered by Sant’Anna School are designed to be studied online by students who can start exploring their higher education opportunities in Pisa and Pavia and their interest in one or more of 20 subjects on offer. This initiative has made available a part of the Sant’Anna School, Scuola Normale Superiore and Scuola Universitaria Superiore IUSS Pavia catalogue of recorded material from the 2016-2019 Open Days. Over the last 20 years, they have provided prospective applicants with information about the college, advanced courses, and the admissions process, now they can offer the opportunity to attend classes virtually, discuss the enhancement of student learning through recordings, benefit from the session interaction and give students the chance to get insights into the Sant’Anna School, Scuola Normale Superiore and Scuola Universitaria Superiore IUSS Pavia  collegiate university life. 

The value of 60 video recordings is recognized as flexible and deep learning which provides the opportunity to contextualize and revisit complex workshop materials to increase understanding and interaction. Moving from a lecture-listen model to an interactive, learn-by-doing approach, students are ensured online learning platforms developed in response to coronavirus restrictions. Platforms can ensure uninterrupted educational delivery and enable isolated to be taught across Italy. 

“Education remains our overwhelming priority.  This unprecedented situation calls for cooperation with schools, building a network of organizations to help provide access to learning opportunities for every student – said Rector Sabina Nuti and Professor Gaetana Morgante (responsible for oversight of prospective student affairs) announcing the initiative. In Italy, our challenge is how to move from traditional education to e-learning and how students can achieve their educational goals. We will offer opportunities supporting students in expanding their knowledge and skills, so they are better equipped to face the challenge.”

“We need to modernize our  approach to online education – noted  Sabina Nuti and Gaetana Morgante – Over the past few weeks, we have used digital platforms as a temporary solution to the crisis, but the pandemic has become a catalyst for educational institutions worldwide to search for innovative solutions, partnerships and cross-sector collaborations around a unified goal.”

The list of Sant’Anna School online education resources is available here

Photogallery: Sabina Nuti and Gaetana Morgante